Tag Archives: surprise party

Happy New Year- Catch Up


First I would like to start off with saying I can’t believe it has been since last September when I wrote my last post. That seems like forever ago! Yes, go on and say it I am a terrible blogger. Well, I don’t even know if you could call me a blogger anymore. It definitely shows that I have neglected this blog and haven’t nurtured it in quite sometime. Shame on me!!

Now that I got the obvious out of the way I would like to say Happy New Year! I mean its not to late so say that, right? We are 11 days into the new year. How is your new year going? Are you sticking to your new year resolutions, goals, list or whatever it may be that you like to do? I hope you are crossing things off your list left and right and smashing your goals!

2013 was such a great year for me. So many wonderful things happened and some of them I am still in awe about. Let’s do a quick recap of the highlights that happened to me in 2013.

house house2 house3

David and I bought our first home! I am still in love with it just like it was the first day I saw it. I am sharing a picture of my closet because it one of my favorite places in the house. I can’t help it, I have always wanted a closet like this!

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Shortly after moving into the new house( 2 weeks) Roxy tore her ACL. She had to have surgery and it broke my heart. She was so pitiful!


In April, I ran my first 1/2 marathon in Nashville Tennessee! It was a great accomplishment but it wasn’t the funnest thing I have ever done. It rained the WHOLE time and I don’t mean it sprinkled. It was a non stop constant rain and it was cold! After I finished I was drenched head to toe with not a dry spot on my body. I was pretty miserable. When I look back I like to tell people that I am a badass because I ran a 1/2 marathon in the rain. Makes me sound hardcore, right?


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In May David and I celebrated our two year Anniversary. This is also the month I began lifting weights. I found an 8 week workout routine online and started following it. This is where my love for lifting weights began!


In June I got my second tattoo and I absolutely love it! I have to say my foot hurt much worse than this one. Thinking about getting another one, they’re addictive.

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I finished my Masters in July! This was a huge accomplishment and I was so happy to be done. All the hard work payed off and I finally had the degree to prove it.

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In September David and I went to Hawaii! It was AMAZING and we had a blast. It’s everything you think Hawaii would be and more. It was such a lovely trip that went by way too fast, but I am so happy that we got to go. Also in September Tone It Up shared my transformation story. In 2013 I vowed to get in shape and stick with it. I wanted to actually do what I had always been saying. No more half way stuff I wanted to give it 100% and I DID! I accomplished  my goals and was finally in the shape I wanted to be in.  I am always grateful to Karena and Katrina for inspiring me to get fit and make it my passion!

In November I got a new job! I got a job with a company that I had been wanting to work for since 2009. The opportunity kind of fell into my lap being that I was happy with my current job at the time. Even though I finished my masters in July I wasn’t looking for a new position. I was content and happy with the company I was working for. Then an opportunity came my way that I couldn’t pass up . It was the job that prompted me to go back to school, its what I had been working towards for so long!

December was a great month. I threw David a surprise 30th birthday party. I was so happy that I was able to pull it off and all of his friends and our family was able to make it and celebrate with us. I got two weeks off from work and got to spend time with my loved ones. David and I hosted our first Christmas dinner and we had 30 people at our house! It was a huge success and I felt extremely blessed to have everyone together in my home.

I just love reflecting back at all the great things that happened last year. It reminds me of how blessed I am. Of course my year had some downfalls as well, it is life after all. I just choose not to focus on those moments. They are just minor road bumps along the way. I feel like if I focus on the good things it will make me look forward to the new things to come!

I am hoping to get back in to blogging on a regular basis and sharing more with you guys! Let me know what you would like to see on the blog, I am always open to suggestions!

I would love to hear some of the highlights and accomplishments that happen to you in 2013. Let me know in the comments below.


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When your fitness journey gets too hot, turn up the heat!


When your fitness journey gets too hot, turn up the heat!

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When your fitness journey gets too hot, turn up the heat!


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